Shapes for Effective Communication Resources - for the Certified Shapes Facilitator Only - See NOTE at bottom of page.

4-Hour Slide Deck
Shapes for Effective Communication

8-Hour Slide Deck
Shapes for Effective Communication

12-Hour Slide Deck
Shapes for Effective Communication

4-Hour Facilitator Guide
Shapes for Effective Communication

8-Hour Facilitator Guide
Shapes for Effective Communication

12-Hour Facilitator Guide
Shapes for Effective Communication

4-Hour Participant Workbook
Shapes for Effective Communication

8-Hour Participant Workbook
Shapes for Effective Communication

12-Hour Participant Workbook
Shapes for Effective Communication

Shapes for Couples Resources

Slide Deck
Shapes for Couples

Facilitator Guide
Shapes for Couples

Participant Workbook
Shapes for Couples

Shapes for Leaders Resources

Slide Deck
Shapes for Leaders

Facilitator Guide
Shapes for Leaders

Participant Workbook
Shapes for Leaders

Shapes for Families Resources

Slide Deck
Shapes for Families

Facilitator Guide
Shapes for Families

Participant Workbook
Shapes for Families

NOTE: This resource page is intended for Certified Shapes Facilitators only. Resources may not be printed or shared without the written permission of author Susan Hite by emailing All material is copyrighted.

  1. The Shapes Facilitator may review, download, and use PPT digital slide decks when facilitating a Shapes for Effective Communication Workshop, including Shapes for Leaders, Couples, and Families and provided you are ordering and paying for, at a minimum, the Shapes Assessment for each participant.
  2. The Shapes Facilitator Guide is provided as a course preview for the facilitator or to use when prepping for a Shapes Workshop or facilitating a Shapes Workshop.
  3. The Shapes Participant Workbook is provided so that the facilitator may review the content prior to a Shapes Workshop. If you would like to provide a Shapes Participant Workbook to your attendees, you may order the hard copy version or a digital version by emailing