Navigating Your Way through Change

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Before you can navigate your way through change, you have to embrace the change, or else it's very hard to manage it or lead it. This is because to "embrace" change, you must "believe, accept, or support it."


Consider these questions:


1. What do you need to personally embrace change? What would make you believe it, or at least learn more about it?


2. What do you need to manage change for yourself?


3. What do you need to lead change for others?


Below you will find a chart with some of the possible answers. Let the information below stimulate a conversation with someone or within yourself to explore further. Coming up with an example of what each "answer" means to you is also helpful when it comes to additional clarity.



Asking the questions and discussing, especially with a trusted mentor, co-worker, family member, or friend, is where you find the best answers for effectively navigating your way through change.


Comments or Questions?


NOTE: Susan Hite is the CEO and Innovator of PsychoGeometrics.